Under Irish Legislation, individuals who wish to trade under a name not their own true name must register the name that they wish to trade with. This is so that the identities of the people trading under a name cannot be hidden. This legislation comes under the Registration of Business Names Act 1963.Important

• The registration of a business name for a Partnership does not protect the name from being used by someone else.
• The Acceptance of the Business Name for a partnership does not mean that the CRO will accept this name as a Limited Company Name.
• The name is not registered until fully approved and a certificate of registration has been issued.

Only Residents in the Republic of Ireland can register business names as Sole Traders. If you are not a Resident of the Republic of Ireland you will need to submit a letter of business permission from the Department of Justice and a Stamp 4.

For a Partnership:
Where a name that the partnership wishes to trade under differs from either partner. A Name must also be registered where a person having a place of business in the State carries on the business of publishing a newspaper.